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Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Loan of Righteousness
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Thursday Feb 15, 2018
Think of an investment you missed out on
- Housing provided $1T wealth in the terms of home equity to home owners in 2017
- Amazon & Apple if invested years ago could have made so much money.
- Bitcoin going up from nothing to being worth ~$10k – Store of Value
All investments at one point didn’t look so promising so they were valued low. At that time there was no guarantee that the investment would be successful so people stayed away.
There is only a single investment that we can say with absolute certainty
The Best Investment
[2:261] The example of those who spend their monies in the cause of GOD is that of a grain that produces seven spikes, with a hundred grains in each spike. GOD multiplies this manifold for whomever He wills. GOD is Bounteous, Knower.
Return = 70,000% * manifold
They say there is no such thing as a sure thing…
Preoccupation With the Wrong Life
[30:6] Such is GOD's promise—and GOD never breaks His promise—but most people do not know. [30:7] They care only about things of this world that are visible to them, while being totally oblivious to the Hereafter.
Currency in the hereafter is righteousness
[2:197] Hajj shall be observed in the specified months.* Whoever sets out to observe Hajj shall refrain from sexual intercourse, misconduct, and arguments throughout Hajj. Whatever good you do, GOD is fully aware thereof. As you prepare your provisions for the journey, the best provision is righteousness. You shall observe Me, O you who possess intelligence.
God is the source of righteousness
[74:56] They cannot take heed against GOD's will. He is the source of righteousness; He is the source of forgiveness.
We can take a loan of righteousness and God will pay us back
[2:245] Who would lend GOD a loan of righteousness, to have it repaid to them multiplied manifold? GOD is the One who provides and withholds, and to Him you will be returned.
[57:11] Who would like to loan GOD a loan of righteousness, to have it multiplied for him manifold, and end up with a generous recompense?
[64:17] If you lend GOD a loan of righteousness, He will multiply the reward for you manifold, and forgive you. GOD is Appreciative, Clement.
God is giving us an opportunity to earn credit
[36:47] When they are told, "Give from GOD's provisions to you," those who disbelieve say to those who believe, "Why should we give to those whom GOD could feed, if He so willed? You are really far astray."
God’s resources are inexhaustible
[17:20] For each one of them we provide; we provide those and these from your Lord's bounties. Your Lord's bounties are inexhaustible.
[17:100] Proclaim, "If you possessed my Lord's treasures of mercy, you would have withheld them, fearing that you might exhaust them. The human being is stingy."
Caring only about things in this world
[3:14] Adorned for the people are the worldly pleasures, such as the women, having children, piles upon piles of gold and silver, trained horses, livestock, and crops. These are the materials of this world. A far better abode is reserved at GOD.
[4:134] Anyone who seeks the materials of this world should know that GOD possesses both the materials of this world and the Hereafter. GOD is Hearer, Seer.
This world is an illusion
- Digital Goods - Sims / 2nd Life - would you be envious of someone who had a nice car or home in the digital world?
- Instagram lives
- When we know this world is an illusion and we are not taking anything of this world with us to the Hereafter, then why do we get so caught up with material posseessions?
If we get more than we can handle we will transgress
[42:27] If GOD increased the provision for His servants, they would transgress on earth. This is why He sends it precisely measured to whomever He wills. He is fully Cognizant and Seer of His servants.
Materials of This World: All That The Disbelievers Get [43:33]
If it were not that all the people might become one (disbelieving) congregation, we would have granted everyone who disbelieves in the Most Gracious mansions with silver roofs, and stairs upon which they could climb. [43:34] Their mansions would have impressive gates, and luxurious furnishings. [43:35] Also many ornaments. All these are the temporary materials of this lowly life. The Hereafter—at your Lord—is far better for the righteous.
God's System Does Not Change
[9:69] Some of those before you were stronger than you, and possessed more money and children. They became preoccupied with their material possessions. Similarly, you have become preoccupied with your material possessions, just like those before you have become preoccupied. You have become totally heedless, just as they were heedless. Such are the people who nullify their works, both in this world and in the Hereafter; they are the losers.
Dirty money- self-justification
Scott Tucker and payday loans in the United States. CLK Management
made loans with terms that included renewals and fees, as well as interest rates as high as 700% per year.
Greed monopoly study
Given twice as much money, can roll two dice as opposed to one dice, has the nice car as opposed to the shoe, when pass go gets to collect $200 while the other person gets to collect $100
Even though one player was randomly selected to be rigged to win the game when they asked why they won they said because I deserved to win. They start attributing their success to their own skills and talents and become less in tuned with the circumstantial events that allowed them to win
[28:76] Qãroon (the slave driver) was one of Moses' people who betrayed them and oppressed them. We gave him so many treasures that the keys thereof were almost too heavy for the strongest band. His people said to him, "Do not be so arrogant; GOD does not love those who are arrogant.
[28:77] "Use the provisions bestowed upon you by GOD to seek the abode of the Hereafter, without neglecting your share in this world. Be charitable, as GOD has been charitable towards you. Do not keep on corrupting the earth. GOD does not love the corruptors."
Stinginess & Extravagant
[17:26] You shall give the due alms to the relatives, the needy, the poor, and the traveling alien, but do not be excessive, extravagant. [17:27] The extravagant are brethren of the devils, and the devil is unappreciative of his Lord.
Stinginess Condemned
[17:29] You shall not keep your hand stingily tied to your neck, nor shall you foolishly open it up, lest you end up blamed and sorry.
[28:78] He said, "I attained all this because of my own cleverness." Did he not realize that GOD had annihilated before him generations that were much stronger than he, and greater in number? The (annihilated) transgressors were not asked about their crimes.
[28:79] One day, he came out to his people in full splendor. Those who preferred this worldly life said, "Oh, we wish that we possess what Qãroon has attained. Indeed, he is very fortunate."
The Real Wealth
[28:80] As for those who were blessed with knowledge, they said, "Woe to you, GOD's recompense is far better for those who believe and lead a righteous life." None attains this except the steadfast.
The Tyrants' Inevitable Fate
[28:81] We then caused the earth to swallow him and his mansion. No army could have helped him against GOD; he was not destined to be a winner.
[28:82] Those who were envious of him the day before said, "Now we realize that GOD is the One who provides for whomever He chooses from among His servants, and withholds. If it were not for GOD's grace towards us, He could have caused the earth to swallow us too. We now realize that the disbelievers never succeed."
Owners of the Garden
Property as an Idol*
[18:32] Cite for them the example of two men: we gave one of them two gardens of grapes, surrounded by date palms, and placed other crops between them.
[18:33] Both gardens produced their crops on time, and generously, for we caused a river to run through them.
[18:34] Once, after harvesting, he boastfully told his friend: "I am far more prosperous than you, and I command more respect from the people."
[18:35] When he entered his garden, he wronged his soul by saying, "I do not think that this will ever end.
[18:36] "Moreover, I think this is it; I do not think that the Hour (the Hereafter) will ever come to pass. Even if I am returned to my Lord, I will (be clever enough to) possess an even better one over there."
[18:37] His friend said to him, as he debated with him, "Have you disbelieved in the One who created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then perfected you into a man?
[18:38] "As for me, GOD is my Lord, and I will never set up any other god besides my Lord.
Important Commandment
[18:39] "When you entered your garden, you should have said, 'This is what GOD has given me (Mã Shã Allãh). No one possesses power except GOD (Lã Quwwata Ellã Bellãh).' You may see that I possess less money and less children than you.
[18:40] "My Lord may grant me better than your garden. He may send a violent storm from the sky that wipes out your garden, leaving it completely barren.
[18:41] "Or, its water may sink deeper, out of your reach."
[18:42] Indeed, his crops were wiped out, and he ended up sorrowful, lamenting what he had spent on it in vain, as his property lay barren. He finally said, "I wish I never set up my property as a god beside my Lord."
[18:43] No force on earth could have helped him against GOD, nor was it possible for him to receive any help.
[18:44] That is because the only true Lord and master is GOD; He provides the best recompense, and with Him is the best destiny.
[18:45] Cite for them the example of this life as water that we send down from the sky to produce plants of the earth, then they turn into hay that is blown away by the wind. GOD is able to do all things.
Rearranging Our Priorities
[18:46] Money and children are the joys of this life, but the righteous works provide an eternal recompense from your Lord, and a far better hope.
[18:47] The day will come when we wipe out the mountains, and you will see the earth barren. We will summon them all, not leaving out a single one of them.
[18:48] They will be presented before your Lord in a row. You have come to us as individuals, just as we created you initially. Indeed, this is what you claimed will never happen.
[18:49] The record will be shown, and you will see the guilty fearful of its contents. They will say, "Woe to us. How come this book leaves nothing, small or large, without counting it?" They will find everything they had done brought forth. Your Lord is never unjust towards anyone.
Preoccupation With This Life Condemned
[57:20] Know that this worldly life is no more than play and games, and boasting among you, and hoarding of money and children. It is like abundant rain that produces plants and pleases the disbelievers. But then the plants turn into useless hay, and are blown away by the wind. In the Hereafter there is either severe retribution, or forgiveness from GOD and approval. This worldly life is no more than a temporary illusion.
How to not let greed get the best of us? Pick the difficult path…
[90:10] Did we not show him the two paths?
[90:11] He should choose the difficult path.
[90:12] Which one is the difficult path?
[90:13] The freeing of slaves.
[90:14] Feeding, during the time of hardship.
[90:15] Orphans who are related.
[90:16] Or the poor who is in need.
[90:17] And being one of those who believe, and exhorting one another to be steadfast, and exhorting one another to be kind.
[90:18] These have deserved happiness.
God makes the difficult Easy
[65:4] As for the women who have reached menopause, if you have any doubts, their interim shall be three months. As for those who do not menstruate, and discover that they are pregnant, their interim ends upon giving birth. Anyone who reverences GOD, He makes everything easy for him.
[65:5] This is GOD's command that He sends down to you. Anyone who reverences GOD, He remits his sins, and rewards him generously.
[65:7] The rich husband shall provide support in accordance with his means, and the poor shall provide according to the means that GOD bestowed upon him. GOD does not impose on any soul more than He has given it. GOD will provide ease after difficulty.
Fair Weather & Bad Weather Friends
Need to believe the thesis both during the good times and bad
Fair Weather Friends
[29:10] Among the people there are those who say, "We believe in GOD," but as soon as they suffer any hardship because of GOD, they equate the people's persecution with GOD's retribution. But if blessings from your Lord come your way, they say, "We were with you." Is GOD not fully aware of the people's innermost thoughts?
Bad Weather Friends
[17:67] If you are afflicted in the middle of the sea, you forget your idols and sincerely implore Him alone. But as soon as He saves you to the shore, you revert. Indeed, the human being is unappreciative.
[31:32] When violent waves surround them, they implore GOD, sincerely devoting their prayers to Him alone. But as soon as He saves them to the shore, some of them revert. None discards our revelations except those who are betrayers, unappreciative.
[89:15] When the human being is tested by his Lord, through blessings and joy, he says, "My Lord is generous towards me." [89:16] But if He tests him through reduction in provisions, he says, "My Lord is humiliating me!" [89:17] Wrong! It is you who brought it on yourselves by not regarding the orphan. [89:18] And not advocating charity towards the poor. [89:19] And consuming the inheritance of helpless orphans. [89:20] And loving the money too much.
[56:10] Then there is the elite of the elite. [56:11] They are those who will be closest (to God). [56:12] In the gardens of bliss. [56:13] Many from the first generations.* [56:14] Few from the later generations.
Howard Marks, CFA, is the Co-Chairman of Oaktree Capital: "In the search for market inefficiencies, it helps to get to a market early, before it becomes understood, popular and respectable. There’s nothing like playing in an “easy game” – an inefficient asset class – where the other investors are few in number, ill-informed or biased negatively. That’s far easier than trying to be the smartest person in a game that everyone understands and is eager to play."
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