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Friday Aug 17, 2018
Don't Turn God's Blessings Into Idols
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Friday Aug 17, 2018
Don’t Turn God’s Blessing into Idols
God gave each of us so many blessings
[16:18] If you count God's blessings, you cannot possibly encompass them. God is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[14:34] And He gives you all kinds of things that you implore Him for. If you count God's blessings, you can never encompass them. Indeed, the human being is transgressing, unappreciative.
When God blesses us we have a tendency to turn those blessings into idols that actually repulse us from God and from acting in a way that is pleasing to him
[41:50] And when we bless him after suffering some adversity, he says, "This belongs to me. I do not believe that the Hour will ever come to pass. Even if I am returned to my Lord, I will find at Him better things." Most certainly, we will inform the disbelievers of all their works, and will commit them to severe retribution.
[17:83] When we bless the human being, he becomes preoccupied and heedless. But when adversity strikes him, he turns despondent.
Exodus 12:31-36
The Exodus Begins 31Then Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron by night and said, “Get up, leave my people, both you and the Israelites! Go, worship the LORD as you have requested. 32Take your flocks and herds as well, just as you have said, and depart! And bless me also.” 33 And in order to send them out of the land quickly, the Egyptians urged the people on. “For otherwise,” they said, “we are all going to die!” 34 So the people took their dough before it was leavened, carrying it on their shoulders in kneading bowls wrapped in clothing. 35 Furthermore, the Israelites acted on Moses’ word and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold, and for clothing. 36 And the LORD gave the people such favor in the sight of the Egyptians that they granted their request. In this way they plundered the Egyptians.
[20:87] They said, "We did not break our agreement with you on purpose. But we were loaded down with jewelry, and decided to throw our loads in. This is what the Samarian suggested." [20:88] He produced for them a sculpted calf, complete with a calf's sound. They said, "This is your god, and the god of Moses." Thus, he forgot. [20:89] Could they not see that it neither responded to them, nor possessed any power to harm them, or benefit them
When we become slaves to these blessings we are making these blessings into our idols
When we idolize something we are slaves to that thing
Slave to our children
- Our spouses
- Our business
- Our property
- Our selves
- Our ego
[2:61] Recall that you said, "O Moses, we can no longer tolerate one kind of food. Call upon your Lord to produce for us such earthly crops as beans, cucumbers, garlic, lentils, and onions." He said, "Do you wish to substitute that which is inferior for that which is good? Go down to Egypt, where you can find what you asked for." They have incurred condemnation, humiliation, and disgrace, and brought upon themselves wrath from GOD. This is because they rejected GOD's revelations, and killed the prophets unjustly. This is because they disobeyed and transgressed.
[14:7] Your Lord has decreed: "The more you thank Me, the more I give you." But if you turn unappreciative, then My retribution is severe.
Whatever occupies our mind most of the day becomes our idol
[33:41] O you who believe, you shall remember GOD frequently. [33:42] You shall glorify Him day and night.
Those who make this world a priority are like those who only drink salt water. It will never quench their thirst and it will only make them more thirsty
But those who make the hereafter their priority this is like drinking fresh water. Not only are you going to feel full but your body and soul will actually be hydrated.
[24:39] As for those who disbelieve, their works are like a mirage in the desert. A thirsty person thinks that it is water. But when he reaches it, he finds that it is nothing, and he finds God there instead, to requite him fully for his works. God is the most efficient reckoner.
[13:14] Imploring Him is the only legitimate supplication, while the idols they implore beside Him, cannot ever respond. Thus, they are like those who stretch their hands to the water, but nothing reaches their mouths. The supplications of the disbelievers are in vain.
Idolizing Our Children
Our Children Can be Idols
[7:189] He created you from one person (Adam). Subsequently, He gives every man a mate to find tranquility with her. She then carries a light load that she can hardly notice. As the load gets heavier, they implore GOD their Lord: "If You give us a good baby, we will be appreciative." [7:190] But when He gives them a good baby, they turn His gift into an idol that rivals Him. GOD be exalted, far above any partnership. [7:191] Is it not a fact that they are idolizing idols who create nothing, and are themselves created?
[64:14] O you who believe, your spouses and your children can be your enemies; beware. If you pardon, forget, and forgive, then God is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
[9:85] Do not be impressed by their money or their children; God causes these to be sources of misery for them in this world, and their souls depart as disbelievers.
[25:73] When reminded of their Lord's revelations, they never react to them as if they were deaf and blind. [25:74] And they say, "Our Lord, let our spouses and children be a source of joy for us, and keep us in the forefront of the righteous."
Property as an Idol*
[18:32] Cite for them the example of two men: we gave one of them two gardens of grapes, surrounded by date palms, and placed other crops between them. Footnote [18:33] Both gardens produced their crops on time, and generously, for we caused a river to run through them. [18:34] Once, after harvesting, he boastfully told his friend: "I am far more prosperous than you, and I command more respect from the people." [18:35] When he entered his garden, he wronged his soul by saying, "I do not think that this will ever end. [18:36] "Moreover, I think this is it; I do not think that the Hour (the Hereafter) will ever come to pass. Even if I am returned to my Lord, I will (be clever enough to) possess an even better one over there." [18:37] His friend said to him, as he debated with him, "Have you disbelieved in the One who created you from dust, then from a tiny drop, then perfected you into a man? [18:38] "As for me, GOD is my Lord, and I will never set up any other god besides my Lord.
Important Commandment
[18:39] "When you entered your garden, you should have said, 'This is what GOD has given me. No one possesses power except GOD.' You may see that I possess less money and less children than you. [18:40] "My Lord may grant me better than your garden. He may send a violent storm from the sky that wipes out your garden, leaving it completely barren. [18:41] "Or, its water may sink deeper, out of your reach." [18:42] Indeed, his crops were wiped out, and he ended up sorrowful, lamenting what he had spent on it in vain, as his property lay barren. He finally said, "I wish I never set up my property as a god beside my Lord." [18:43] No force on earth could have helped him against GOD, nor was it possible for him to receive any help. [18:44] That is because the only true Lord and master is GOD; He provides the best recompense, and with Him is the best destiny.
[18:45] Cite for them the example of this life as water that we send down from the sky to produce plants of the earth, then they turn into hay that is blown away by the wind. GOD is able to do all things.
Rearranging Our Priorities
[18:46] Money and children are the joys of this life, but the righteous works provide an eternal recompense from your Lord, and a far better hope.
[68:17] We have tested them like we tested the owners of the garden who swore that they will harvest it in the morning. [68:18] They were so absolutely sure. [68:19] A passing (storm) from your Lord passed by it while they were asleep. [68:20] By morning, it was barren. [68:21] They called on each other in the morning. [68:22] "Let us harvest the crop." [68:23] On their way, they confided to each other. [68:24] That from then on, none of them would be poor. [68:25] They were so absolutely sure of their harvest. [68:26] But when they saw it, they said, "We were so wrong! [68:27] "Now, we have nothing!" They
Should Have Said: "God Willing."
[68:28] The righteous among them said, "If only you had glorified (God)!" [68:29] They said, "Glory be to our Lord. We have transgressed." [68:30] They started to blame each other. [68:31] They said, "Woe to us. We sinned. [68:32] "May our Lord grant us a better one. We repent to our Lord." [68:33] Such was the requital. But the retribution of the Hereafter is far worse, if they only knew.
If you take the instruction regarding your salvation from anyone other than God then that source becomes your god.
[6:121] Do not eat from that upon which the name of GOD has not been mentioned, for it is an abomination. The devils inspire their allies to argue with you; if you obey them, you will be idol worshipers.*
[36:60] Did I not covenant with you, O Children of Adam, that you shall not worship the devil? That he is your most ardent enemy? [36:61] And that you shall worship Me alone? This is the right path.
[9:24] Proclaim: "If your parents, your children, your siblings, your spouses, your family, the money you have earned, a business you worry about, and the homes you cherish are more beloved to you than GOD and His messenger, and the striving in His cause, then just wait until GOD brings His judgment." GOD does not guide the wicked people.
Ego as a god
[25:43] Have you seen the one whose god is his own ego? Will you be his advocate?
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